Part 1: Hello World

Let's start simple. When the button below is pressed, print "Hello World!" to the console.

Part 2: Print Me

Find the hidden element here -> ( ) and print the text contents of the hidden element to the console.

Part 3: Edit Me

Find all elements with class p3editme and edit their text to "I was changed!".

Part 4: Change List

For this section, you should modify each entry in the list such that the next letter in the alphabet replaces it. In other words, A->B, B->C, C->D, ..., Z->A.

Part 5: Print Input

For this section, you should read the value of the input field, and modify the element with id p5editme to the text in the field.

This text should be changed to the contents of the input field

Part 6: Change Actions

For this section, you should swap the action paired with each button.

Part 7: Adding Styles

For this section, you should apply the following styles to the given elements.

Attribute Attribute Type background-color color text-align width box-shadow border-collapse border-bottom padding
p7table id #f7f7f7 center 100% 0 4px 8px 0 #d7dbde collapse
header class #d0d5d9
tr tag #3f4245
td tag 1px solid #ddd 15px
th tag 1px solid #ddd 15px